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BAUS Inputs

The inputs structure for BAUS and a description of each input. Model input files are stored in an inputs folder to be called by the model. They are often run-specific and contain the data used to run the model, such as base year datasets and policy inputs.




name description
tmnet.h5 Travel model network information for calculating accessibility within the model using Pandana
osm_bayarea4326.h5 Street network information for calculating accessibility within the model using Pandana
landmarks.csv Locations of a few major landmarks in the region for accessibility calculations.
regional_poi_distances.csv The pre-computed distances from each travel model node to each landmark.
bart_stations.csv A list of BART stations and their locations so that distance to BART can calculated.
logsums.csv A set of base year logsums from the travel model.


name description
AccessibilityMarkets_[year].csv A travel model output file that incorportates travel model run logsums into the forecast, by year.
mandatoryAccessibilities_[year].csv A travel model output file that incorportates travel model run logsums into the forecast, by year.
nonMandatoryAccessibilities_[year].csv A travel model output file that incorportates travel model run logsums into the forecast, by year.

basis_inputs (in progress)/


name desription
parcel_to_maz22.csv A lookup table from parcels to Travel Model Two MAZs.
parcel_to_taz1454sub.csv A lookup table from parcels to Travel Model One TAZs.
parcels_geography.csv A lookup table from parcels to jurisdiction, growth geographies, UGB areas, greenfield areas, and a concatenation of these used to join these geographies zoning_mods.csv, to apply zoning rules within them.
census_id_to_name.csv Maps census id from parcels_geography to name so it can be used.
maz_geography A lookup between MAZ, TAZ2, and county.
maz22_taz1454 A lookup between MAZ and TAZ1.
superdistricts_geography.csv A map of superdistrict numbers, names, and their subregion.
taz_geography.csv A lookup between TAZ1, supedisctrict, and county.


name description
data_edits.yaml Settings for editing the input data in the model code, e.g. clipping values.
manual_edits.csv Overrides the current h5 data using the table name, attribute name, and new value, so we don't have to generate a new one each time.
household_building_id_overrides.csv Moves households to match new city household totals during the data preprocessing.
tpp_id_2016.csv Updates tpp_ids after changes were made to the ids.


name description
development_caps.yaml Base year job cap policies in place in jurisdictions (TODO: remove the asserted development capsk-factors entangled here.)
inclusionary.yaml Base year inclusionary zoning policies in place in jurisdictions (TODO: have all model runs inherit these, even if an inclusionary stratey is applied).


name desctiption
slr_progression.csv The sea level rise level, for each forecast year.
slr_inundation.csv The sea level rise level at which each inundation parcel becomes inundated, for each forecast year. Rows marked with "100" are parcels where sea level rise has been mitigated, either through planned projects or a plan strategy.


name description
bayarea_v3.h5 Base year database of households, jobs, buildings, and parcels. The data is pre-processed in
costar.csv Commercial data from CoStar, including non-residential price to inform the price model.
development_projects.csv The list of projects that have happened since the base data, or buildings in the development pipeline. This file tends to have more attributes than we use in the model.
deed_restricted_zone_totals.csv An approximate number of deed restricted units per TAZ to assign randomly within the TAZ.
baseyear_taz_controls.csv Base year control totals by TAZ, to use for checking and refining inputs. The file includes number of units, vacancy rates, and employment by sector (TODO: add households).
sfbay_craisglist.csv Craigslist data to inform rental unit information and model tenure.


name description
zoning_parcels.csv A lookup table from parcels to zoning_id, zoning area information, and a "nodev" flag (currently all set to 0).
zoning_lookup.csv The existing zoning for each jurisdiction, assigned to parcels with the "id" field. Fields include the city name, city id, and the name of the zoning. The active attributes are max_dua, max_far, and max_height, all of which must be respected by each development.

plan_strategies (optional)/

name description
accessory_units.csv A file to add accessory dwelling units to jurisdictions by year, simulating policy to allow or reduce barriers to ADU construction in jurisdictions (TODO: Make this a default policy).
account_strategies.yaml This files contains the settings for all strategies in a model run that use accounts. The file may include account settings (e.g., how much to spend, where to spend) for
development_caps_strategy.yaml A file that specifies a strategy to limit development (generally office development) to a certain number of residential units andor job spaces.
inclusionary_strategy.yaml A file to apply an inclusionary zoning strategy by geography and inclusionary housing requirement percentage.
preservation.yaml A file to apply an affordable housing preservation strategy through specifying geography and target number of units for preservation.
profit_adjustment_stratgies.yaml This file contains the settings for all strategies in a model run which modify the profitability of projects thus altering their feasibility. The file may include profit adjustment settings (e.g., the percent change to profit) for
renter_protections_relocation_rates_overwrites The rows in this file overwrite the household relocation rates in the model's settings.
telecommute_sqft_per_job_adjusters These are multipliers which adjust the sqft per job setting by superdistrict by year to represent changes from a telework strategy. (TODO: Disentangle the k-factors and the policy application within this file and sqft_per_job_adjusters.csv. In the meantime, use both files as is done in the PBA50 No Project).
vmt_fee_zonecats.csv This file pairs with the VMT Fee and SB-743 strategies. It provides VMT levels by TAZ1, which map to the corresponding price adjustments in the strategies.
zoning_mods.csv A file which allows you to upzone or downzone. If you enter a value in "dua_up" or "far_up", the model will apply that as the new zoning or maintain the existing zoning if it is higher. If you enter a value in "dua_down" or "far_down", the model will apply that as the zoning or maintain the existing zoning if it is lower. UGBs are also controlled using this file, using zoning changes to enforce them. This file is mapped to parcels using the field "zoningmodcat", which is the concatenated field of growth designations in parcels_geography.csv.


name description
employment_controls.csv The total number of jobs in the region for the model to allocate, by year. The controls are provided by 6-sector job category.
household_controls.csv The total number of households in the region for the model to allocate, by year. The controls are provided by household income quartile.


name description
taz_growth_rates_gov_ed.csv This file has ratios of governement and education employment per population by County and TAZ. The files has two header rows
prportional_retail_jobs_forecast.csv This contains the field "minimum_forecast_retail_jobs_per_household" by jurisdiction, which is used to keep local numbers of retail jobs reasonable through the forecast.
tm1_taz1_forecast_inputs.csv This is closely related to regional_controls.csv. These are zone level inputs used for the process of generating variables for the travel model, while the other file contains regional-level controls. These inputs provide TAZ1454 information, used for Travel Model One summaries.
tm2_taz2_forecast_inputs.csv The same as above, except these inputs provide TAZ2 information, used for Travel Model Two summaries.
tm1_tm2_maz_forecast_inputs.csv The same as above, except these inputs provide MAZ information, used for btoh Travel Model One and Travel Model Two summaries.
tm2_emp27_employment_shares The forecasted share of jobs by 26 sectors, used to apportion that 6 sectors used in the model into more detailed categories Travel Model Two. The shares are provided by county and by year.
tm2_occupation_shares The forecasted share of jobs by occupation, used for Travel Model Two. The shares are provided by county and by year.
tm1_tm2_regional_controls.csv Controls from the regional forecast which give us employed residents and the age distribution by year, used to forecast variables used by the travel model.
tm1_tm2_regional_demographic_forecast Similar to regional_controls.csv, this file provides regional-level information to produce travel model variables, in this case using forecasts of shares by year.