Draft Documentation

North Bay Wildfire Mapping

Perform spatial analysis of areas affected by the recent North Bay Fires which provides context through the lense of MTC policy layers. The analysis should also provide useful summaries related to impact on the build environment as well as the socio-economic inpact.

Project Management


Data Sources

Sonoma Co. Service Layer from PRMD displaying fire damaged parcels from 10/17 wild fires.

Sonoma Co Structure Status

Feature Service for Structures that were either damaged or destroyed by the wildfires in Sonoma Co:

Napa County Bldg Dept. Structures (Inspections)

Feature Service showing locations where structures were damaged in Napa County. Includes All Buildings within Napa County

Analysis Parameters


Calfire Active Fire Perimeters

  1. Downloaded Calfire Active Fires Data as kml
  2. Ran KML to Layer
  3. Exported perimeter features to project FGDB as CalFire_Active_Fire_Perimeters_2017
  4. Run identity operation on perimeter features and Bay Area Counties and output to FGDB as Calfire_Active_Fire_Perimeters_2017_County

4A. Delete water areas (FID_Bay_Area_Counties = -1)

  1. Run identity operation on perimeter features / counties & Bay Area Jurisdictions and output to FGDB as Calfire_Active_Fire_perimeters_2017_County_Jurisdictions
  2. Dissolve perimeter features by fire name and county, and jurisdiction & output new feature to FGDB as Calfire_Active_Fire_Perimeters_2017_disso

Calfire Active Fire Perimeters Demographics

  1. Run North_Bay_Wildfire_Analysis.py script to add demographic data. Script uses enrich layer function which leverages Esri Demographics

Calfire Active Fire Perimeters Policy

  1. Run identity function on Calfire_Active_Fire_Perimeters_2017_disso and each policy layer
  2. Create new column called ‘Policy_Intersect’
Value Description
0 Not within policy area
1 Within policy area
  1. Dissolve on fire perimeter name, county name, jurisdiction, and policy output as Calfire_Active_Fire_Perimeters_2017_Policy
  2. Add geometry attributes (acres)

Calfire Active Fire Demographics Land Use


Expected Outcomes


Data Summaries


Final Tabular Data Summaries

Intermediate Data

Final Data
