Source code for network_wrangler.projectcard

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import yaml
import json
from typing import Optional, List

from jsonschema import validate
from jsonschema.exceptions import ValidationError
from jsonschema.exceptions import SchemaError
from .logger import WranglerLogger

UNSPECIFIED_PROJECT_NAMES = ["", "TO DO User Define", "USER TO define"]

[docs]class ProjectCard(object): """ Representation of a Project Card Attributes: __dict__: Dictionary of project card attributes valid: Boolean indicating if data conforms to project card data schema """ TRANSIT_CATEGORIES = ["Transit Service Property Change", "Add Transit"] # categories that may affect transit, but only as a secondary # effect of changing roadways SECONDARY_TRANSIT_CATEGORIES = ["Roadway Deletion", "Parallel Managed Lanes"] ROADWAY_CATEGORIES = [ "Roadway Property Change", "Roadway Deletion", "Parallel Managed lanes", "Add New Roadway", "Calculated Roadway", ]
[docs] def __init__(self, attribute_dictonary: dict): """ Constructor for Project Card object. args: attribute_dictonary: a nested dictionary of project card attributes. """ # add these first so they are first on write out self.project = None self.tags = "" self.dependencies = "" self.__dict__.update(attribute_dictonary) self.valid = False
# todo more unstructuring of project card yaml def __str__(self): s = ["{}: {}".format(key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return "\n".join(s)
[docs] @staticmethod def read(card_filename: str, validate: bool = True): """ Reads and validates a Project card args: card_filename: The path to the project card file. validate: Boolean indicating if the project card should be validated. Defaults to True. Returns a Project Card object """ card_suffix = card_filename.split(".")[-1].lower() if card_suffix in ["yaml", "yml"]: attribute_dictionary = ProjectCard.read_yml(card_filename) elif card_suffix in ["wrangler", "wr"]: attribute_dictionary = ProjectCard.read_wrangler_card(card_filename) else: msg = "Card should have a suffix of yaml, yml, wrangler, or wr. Found suffix: {}".format( card_suffix ) raise ValueError(msg) card = ProjectCard(attribute_dictionary) if card.project in UNSPECIFIED_PROJECT_NAMES: msg = "Card must have valid project name: {}".format(card_filename) WranglerLogger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) card.valid = False if validate: card.valid = ProjectCard.validate_project_card_schema(card_filename) return card
[docs] @staticmethod def read_wrangler_card(w_card_filename: str) -> dict: """ Reads wrangler project cards with YAML front matter and then python code. Args: w_card_filename: where the project card is Returns: Attribute Dictionary for Project Card """ WranglerLogger.debug("Reading Wrangler-Style Project Card") with open(w_card_filename, "r") as cardfile: delim = cardfile.readline() WranglerLogger.debug("Using delimiter: {}".format(delim)) _yaml, _pycode = WranglerLogger.debug("_yaml: {}\n_pycode: {}".format(_yaml, _pycode)) attribute_dictionary = yaml.safe_load(_yaml) attribute_dictionary["file"] = w_card_filename attribute_dictionary["pycode"] = _pycode.lstrip("\n") return attribute_dictionary
[docs] @staticmethod def read_yml(card_filename: str) -> dict: """ Reads "normal" wrangler project cards defined in YAML. Args: card_filename: file location where the project card is. Returns: Attribute Dictionary for Project Card """ WranglerLogger.debug("Reading YAML-Style Project Card") with open(card_filename, "r") as cardfile: attribute_dictionary = yaml.safe_load(cardfile) attribute_dictionary["file"] = card_filename return attribute_dictionary
[docs] def write(self, out_filename: str = None): """ Writes project card dictionary to YAML file. args: out_filename: file location to write the project card object as yml. If not provided, will write to current directory using the project name as the filename. """ if not out_filename: from network_wrangler.utils import make_slug out_filename = make_slug(self.project) + ".yml" # import collections # out_dict = collections.OrderedDict() out_dict = {} out_dict["project"] = None out_dict["tags"] = "" out_dict["dependencies"] = "" out_dict.update(self.__dict__) with open(out_filename, "w") as outfile: yaml.dump(out_dict, outfile, default_flow_style=False, sort_keys=False)"Wrote project card to: {}".format(out_filename))
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_project_card_schema( card_filename: str, card_schema_filename: str = "project_card.json" ) -> bool: """ Tests project card schema validity by evaluating if it conforms to the schemas args: card_filename: location of project card .yml file card_schema_filename: location of project card schema to validate against. Defaults to project_card.json. returns: boolean """ if not os.path.exists(card_schema_filename): base_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "schemas" ) card_schema_filename = os.path.join(base_path, card_schema_filename) with open(card_schema_filename) as schema_json_file: schema = json.load(schema_json_file) with open(card_filename, "r") as card: card_json = yaml.safe_load(card) try: validate(card_json, schema) return True except ValidationError as exc: WranglerLogger.error("Failed Project Card validation: Validation Error") WranglerLogger.error("Project Card File Loc:{}".format(card_filename)) WranglerLogger.error("Project Card Schema Loc:{}".format(card_schema_filename)) WranglerLogger.error(exc.message) except SchemaError as exc: WranglerLogger.error("Failed Project Card schema validation: Schema Error") WranglerLogger.error("Project Card Schema Loc:{}".format(card_schema_filename)) WranglerLogger.error(exc.message) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: WranglerLogger.error(exc.message)
[docs] def roadway_attribute_change(self, card: dict): """ Probably delete. Reads a Roadway Attribute Change card. args: card: the project card stored in a dictionary """"Category"))
[docs] def new_roadway(self, card: dict): """ Probably delete. Reads a New Roadway card. args: card: the project card stored in a dictionary """"Category"))
[docs] def transit_attribute_change(self, card: dict): """ Probably delete. Reads a Transit Service Attribute Change card. args: card: the project card stored in a dictionary """"Category"))
[docs] def new_transit_right_of_way(self, card: dict): """ Probably delete. Reads a New Transit Dedicated Right of Way card. args: card: the project card stored in a dictionary """"Category"))
[docs] def parallel_managed_lanes(self, card: dict): """ Probably delete. Reads a Parallel Managed lanes card. args: card: the project card stored in a dictionary """"Category"))