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A python package to run the San Francisco Bay Area’s Travel Model.

Owner: Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)

Starting Out

Prepare Virtual Environment

If you are managing multiple python versions, we suggest using virtualenv or conda virtual environments.

The following instructions create and activate a conda environment (recommended) in which you can install:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate tm2py

pywin32 must be installed by Emme

Installing the Emme package will also install the pywin32 python package. If pywin32 gets installed by other means (like conda or pip), then you will get DLL load errors when trying to import the emme packages. To remedy, we recommend checking for pywin32 before hand and uninstalling pywin32 before installing the emme packages.

To see if pywin32 is installed in your environment, run:

conda list


conda uninstall pywin32


pip uninstall pywin32

Install Emme

You will need to install Emme’s python packages into this conda environment first.


The tm2py library works on top of Inro’s Emme Software. (Almost) all of the functionality of this library requires a valid Emme installation and license.

From an INRO community forum post:

  1. In the Emme Desktop application, open Tools->Application Options->Modeller
  2. Change your Python path as desired
  3. Click the “Install Modeller Package” button

Alternatively, you can copy the emme.pth from the Emme install to the site packages:

cd tm2py
REM ... or from the root of the venv / conda environment
copy %EMMEPATH%\\emme.pth Lib\\site-packages\

Installation is successful if the command:

conda list

Returns a list containing:


Install TM2PY

After successfully installing the Emme environment, you are ready to install tm2py.

pip install tm2py

If you want to install a more up-to-date or development version, you can do so by installing it from the develop branch as follows:


If you wanted to install from a specific tag/version number or branch, replace @develop with @<branchname> or @tag

If you are going to be working on Lasso locally, you might want to clone it to your local machine and install it from the clone. The -e will install it in editable mode.

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate tm2py
git clone
cd tm2py
pip install -e .


The -e installs it in editable mode which captures changes in the repository as you switch branches.

Developer Tip

If you are going to be doing development, we recommend following the installations instructions in the contributing section.

Example Data

Before you run the model

Due to size limitations, the bulk of the input data is not stored with the tm2py library, but can be accessed following the directions below.

Example Location
Union City

Additionally, tm2py has a helper function to download the data using the following syntax:

import tm2py
get_test_data location/for/test/data

Typical Usage

The following is the typical usage to run the model. Other than the run directory, all the parameters for the model run are specified in [ any number of ] toml files, as documented in the configuration documentation and example.

import tm2py
controller = RunController(
    ["scenario_config.toml", "model_config.toml"],
- run_dir specifies specific run directory. If not specified, it will use location of first config.toml file.

tm2py -s scenario.toml -m model.toml -r run_dir
  • -s scenario.toml file location with scenario-specific parameters
  • -m model.toml file location with general model parameters
  • -r run_dir specifies specific run directory. Otherwise will use location of first config.toml file.

Additional functionality for various use cases can be found in Examples.

What happens when you run the model

Setup of model run reads the settings and queues the components for each iteration.

my_controller = tm2py.RunController(config_files,run_dir)
flowchart TD RunController[["Initiate the controller object\nRunController( config_file, run_dir )\nwhich does the following."]] LoadConfig("Load Configuration\ncontroller.config=Configuration.load_toml()") Logger("Initiate Logger\ncontroller.logger=Logger()") queue_inputs("Queue Components\ncontroller.queue_inputs()") LoadConfig-->Logger-->queue_inputs


flowchart LR queue_inputs[["queue_inputs()"]] InitialComponents("INITIAL COMPONENTS\") Iterations("GLOBAL ITERATIONS\nFor each iteration from to") PerIterComponents("COMPONENTS PER ITERATION\nFor each iteration") IterComponents("COMPONENTS AND ITERATIONS") FinalComponents("FINAL COMPONENTS\") Queue("RunController._queued_components") queue_inputs-->Iterations queue_inputs-->PerIterComponents PerIterComponents-->IterComponents Iterations-->IterComponents queue_inputs-->InitialComponents InitialComponents-->Queue IterComponents-->Queue queue_inputs-->FinalComponents FinalComponents-->Queue

Example model run configuraiton file with components in the order they are to be run:

    start_component = ""
    initial_components = [
    global_iteration_components = [
    final_components = []
    start_iteration = 0
    end_iteration = 1

Running the model simply iterates through the queued components.

my_run =
flowchart TD controller_run[[""]] validate_inputs("controller.validate_inputs()") component_run[["For each item in controller._queued_components\"]] validate_inputs-->component_run